Monday, 29 December 2014

Essence of Christmas


CHRISTMAS is the most awaited season in our country and all over the world every year. It is the time of hopes, joy and forgiveness. It’s the time that I always have the good feeling inside me. Every year at this moment I like to be with my love ones.
For many people, Christmas is a time of sorrow. They don’t have the extra money to buy presents for their siblings, friends and family. Many are saddened at Christmas time when we think of their loved ones who will not be able to come home for various reasons.

Why do people like this holiday more than any holiday?

Not because of the decorations, all the parties, Santa Claus and the numerous other events going on, but the REAL meaning of the birth of Jesus Christ. These are those who believe that is all the Christmas means to some people and quite so, but I like to think it’s because the Three Wise men brought gifts to the baby Jesus and that is how gifts became one of the symbols of Christmas
We can truly be happy at Christmas! No matter what may be happening, we can know that we are his children. We then become sons and daughter of God.
Look at CHRISTMAS in a new way this year. This is the year to invite Jesus into our hearts. You will then have a “Merry Christmas”. The joy and peace you will receive will last all year as you look to God for all your needs to be met.