Monday, 9 February 2015


Just a few days from now, we will go to leave our school and go to our own different ways to college. I am sure that every one of us will miss each other especially to those who have created strong connections. And also we will miss all the happy and sad happenings in our high school life with our friends. 
High school life is almost ending. Time passes so quickly that it was like yesterday when I first entered Ilocos Sur National High School. Being a high school student, I learned a lot of things that I can apply to my daily life.It's hard to look back at the previous quarters and think that I have failed on really huge scale. I think I can no longer find light at the end of a dark tunnel I am in.  If there is, it might be only a flash of hope, not reality. In this last grading, we had limited time to have our lessons and to submit all our requirements. It’s hard to budget our time because of consecutive days that our teacher gives us requirements.

Before I graduate, I like to thank all of my teachers for their sacrifices and thoughts that were shared to us. And also to all my friends, thank you for always there beside in times of sadness. Thank you for the days that we are together making crazy things that makes me happy. I will always remember all the happenings that happened to our high school life.

1st Grading
2nd Grading
3rd Grading
4th Grading

My Dream My Future

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”


Another chapter of my life is about to end and another sequel of it waits to start. As the days of my high school life come to an end, future is what I am thinking for myself. Everyone is entitled to dream. Each one of us dreams to be a "someone". When I think of the future, I got lots of things to make and I say to myself: YES! I WILL!
As I was viewing the vast dark sky, I saw lots of stars which were tinkling, shining and shimmering. Those stars were so bright that one for me is so strong. I dreamed and closed my eyes so deeply. Questions ran through my mind and wishes started to burst. Questions like, "Will I ever get a job? A family of my own?A car?A peaceful life?” and a simple wish, TO BE SUCCESFUL.
Aside from the things mentioned above. I dreamed of myself as a successful engineering (Chemical) with a happy family and peaceful life. By that time, I wish that I had lifted my family to a better life. Personally, I dream to experience the feeling of being fulfilled, having no worries and secured after my long-time sacrifices in the battlefield of my life. When I will receive my first salary, firstly, I won’t use it for myself. I will use it for my parents in giving them rewards who gave an unending sacrifice so that my dream will come true. In the future, I want to travel around the world with my family and perhaps, the girl who would make my heart keep beating. I want that my dream house won’t just be a dream but will come into reality, someday. With anticipation, my family will be more unified at all times especially when we are down. I also look forward, that my family will express an unconditional and eternal love.

CHANGE! It starts with me

If you change the people within the world, the world then changes as a result – it’s not the other way round. I admire the great charities of this world for doing what they do, and for what they’ve accomplished, but ultimately it’s pointless UNLESS those involved change themselves first.
“Be the change you want to see in the world” – Mahatma Gandhi

            In this world we are living with, there is no permanent except change. Every moment and anywhere there is always change. Change is inevitable but we can accept and embrace it. There is a change because there is a reason behind it. Change either good or bad that depends what we choose and how we look at it. In this world, we change because we seek for betterment, it may be a change in physical, emotional or psychological aspect. Change is difficult to perform and it has consequences.

People everywhere go through various experiences in their lives. Every experience affects a person in some way. Many aspects of my life have influenced my personality and way that I live.
Today, we live in a world where technology has almost or taken over our lives. There are many changes today cause by modernization. We can see the continuous production of inventions cause by modern technology. It is fascinating and there are benefits of this. But there are also problems that accompanied. One of those problems is addiction in using technologies like computers. Nowadays, many computer shops are all over the place. Many people specially youth are attracted to those shops and they tend to play computer games most of their hours. The result is they wasted their money and time for just playing. Some who do this are past time for their dissatisfaction or solution to their problems. But the worst, they forget to return to God and to themselves to search the true solution in their problems. Instead, it aggravated the conflict inside the family. There is a chance that technology impaired the relationship between the person and others. Isn't it, it is best to talk with someone personally than to talk in virtual world.

            Now, we are facing many problems in our lives. I want to encourage everybody specially the youth to become more active in activities such as sports to draw us to addiction in technology and to keep healthy lifestyle.  There is no harm in using technology but with moderation. To the youth, to those who are addicted in computer games you must be change for you to have good future.

KANNAWIDAN Ylokos Festival

“Festivals are part of one’s custom, culture and traditions. They are there for us to celebrate. It help us forget our routine, it gives us some momentary, mental and physical relaxation and thus frees us from die shackles of monotonous work.”


If you are looking for a non-stop place where you can taste and witness different cultures and traditions of Ilocanos. There is one event that is for you to visit and not to miss. KANNAWIDAN Ylokos Festival, yes it is. This occurs annually in the province of Ilocos Sur. This festival aims to inform that we have this beautiful Ilocano culture, introducing it to the world and preserving and strengthening it despite the booming influence of technology.
Annually the provincial government of Ilocos Sur gives lots of effort to arrange this festival to make it incredibly awesome, fun, exciting and educational. To have knowledge about this festival: KANNAWIDAN is an Iloco term which means “a feast of heritages, practices and products” in Ilocos Sur. This feast is in commemoration of the separation of the province of Ilocos Sur and Ilocos Norte by the virtue of royal decree on February 2, 1818. Prior to this date, the stretch of Bangui in Ilococs Norte to Luna, La Union is called “Ylokos” which means is a term to refer the coastal inhabitants.” The Kannawidan Ylokos Festival was celebrated from January 29-February 13, 2015 that have various activities that surely worth it and as a way to promote tourism.
During the celebration, tribal dances were showcased coming from the tribal communities of the Ilocos Province. These tribal communities displayed their talents as well as their indigenous costumes with fascinated tourists and audiences of the affair. The trade fair, showcased the different One Town One Product (OTOP) of Municipalities constituting the provinces. There was a choir competition which turned the viewers to a WOW. A battles of beauty and brains was witnessed during the Saniata iti Ilocos Sur pageant. Our schoolmates also joined a contest pertaining the history of Ilocos and happily they brought home the bacon.
We, Ilocanos must be proud of to our own town.